Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Ipoh Trip...

Another busy week for me again...
last week malacca trip,
this week Ipoh trip...
actually nth much for ipoh...
only eat, eat and eat...
I cant even finish my lomo in ipoh...
only burn 15 photos...
so haven develop the film...
share with u some photos by my fren DC...

on the way to ipoh... around 7pm ++ only going...

on the way to ipoh.. Coco dunno pump diesel... XD...

arrived around 10, went for “Ipoh 牙菜鸡"... not bad...

after dinner, drink drink drink = drunk... lolx...

another day early morning... very long time nvr bicycle...

I teaching loong how to play... haha... Noob loong...

after that went to " Pi Lik Dong"...


Poser... XD...

Loong noob...

Damn tired after climbed to the top of "Pi Lik Dong"...


forgot where is it... xD...

another temple...

after temple went back to house... after that went to "water fall"...


only at waterfall a while, then we leaved coz raining...

On the way to dinner, we saw the nice scene...
cant wait to took a photos...

Our dinner... delicious....

prawn too...

nice dinner at ipoh... better than malacca dinner...
malacca dinner farking sucks... ..l..
after dinner, around 9pm something, then we back KL...

This 2 weeks quite enjoyed my weekend...
normally only sleep on weekend...
sad coz this fri-sun cant join lomo trip to penang...
coz gonna prepared for my exhibitions on next week at central market...
Hope everything well for my exhibitions...
after exhibitions, gonna graduate....
T_T 3 years, so fast...
will be post more photos after I finish my lomo... ^_^

Friday, April 25, 2008

Black and White film...

shoot the cow.... XD

Mark. Gor -.-

sniper king...

Love this...


lolx... Coco, u yeah mh???

Long bridge...

Attendance list for malacca trip...

this sucks... ken, specially for u... u know how sux u r???



Edison Chen vs Juno

(香港20日讯)香港苹果日报报导。年初一场淫照风暴令陈冠希(Edison)事业及形象直插谷底,即使被赌王何鸿燊骂贱过地底泥,又遭情敌麦浚龙 (Juno)指是渣滓中的渣滓,他仍默不作声,直至本月初Juno公开踩其服装品牌CLOT不够高档,Edison终按捺不住怒火向Juno还击。日前 Edison在淫照记者会后首度开腔,接受网上杂志访问,扬言要强势回归香港重夺潮流江山外,更摆明向Juno挑衅说:“有种当面批评我。”



陈:陈冠希 问:记者





当 我不在的时候,那些或那个批评陈冠希或CLOT的人,我跟你说,有种当面批评我。你们最好搞好自己的品牌,因为我们回来时将会更强。CLOT、 Juice、ACU、陈冠希、CMD,我们将强势回归,请留意,因为我可看到你,你却看不到我。我通常不会胡说八道,但我总不能默不作声。我现时很祥和, 我不是想搞什么,只想给你们一个讯息。

现时我正埋首慈善工作,希望年底能完成,届时我会拍不以香港观众为目标的电影,我会继续好莱坞的游 戏,现时我有更多时间与监制及导演坐下来详谈,William Morris(经理人公司)正为我于香港放下的东西,在好莱坞重新安排。试睁开眼睛、竖起耳朵,见证陈冠希的新旅程。但老实说,我正尝试享受生活。

死对头 积怨深




08年4月:对于有报道指Edison返港重返潮流界,Juno即表示自己走的是high fashion,大家路线不同,暗寸Edison的时装是卖街头平货。

08年4月:最近Juno与A Bathing Ape主脑Nigo联手合作的派对上,Edison以往的绯闻女友如薛凯琪、Amanda S.、Rosanne、郑融等均有出席,相反日前JUICE装修后重开,撑场的人则寥寥可数。
Juice重开派对 星光黯淡

香 港苹果日报报导。Edison位于铜锣湾的时装店Juice,经重新装修后前晚举行重开派对,但出席嘉宾寥寥可数,而且几乎清一色是男性,如农夫、 Zing、李璨琛和王浩信等,曾与Edison传绯闻的女星全部销声匿迹,只有徐濠萦独自撑场,现场虽有舞狮助兴,但与昔日星光熠熠的场面可谓天渊之别。

seriously, I still support Edison Chen...
Juno, fuck off pls...
U still a kids in Edison Chen mind...

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Lomo Gathering..

lomo gathering on last sat...
photos by kahgiap...
nice horizon... ^_^

Thanks again to kahgiap...

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Malacca Trip...

Planned long time ago for this trip...
Finally got chance XD...
Even i jz slept 2 hours b4 the trip, but still very enjoy for da trip...
Took some photos...
Burn alot... wakaka...

LCA - Elitechrome 200

Me and Mr.Bin ...

cun car... modified so nice...


Nice car...

This car playing trance song too... lolx...


Ice Kacang... not nice one... -.-

Asam Laksa...



Love this...

When I say Hi to u, U must hi to me.. lolz...

top view...

My gang...

Nice bridge... I almost fall to sea... XD...


Love this most...

Top gun... wakaka...

Jonker street night market...

Vivitar - Velvia

Red house...

My frens....

Fisheye - Sensia

me... XD...

Chiki, RM2 pls...


Me and cassey...

sky? or coco???

This 3 damn "sai dam" ... Like tikus... XD...


Love this too...

me at the end of bridge...


Dinner at malacca totally suckx...
bitch restaurant.. ..l..
bitch... ..l..
sux foods... coconut sucks too...